15+ years in AI

We are a team of professional researchers and software engineers specializing in AI technologies. With years of experience, we excel in state-of-the-art computer vision, machine learning, and image processing.

About us

  • Lapin, Team Lead

    Take care about your product

    If you think you don’t need the cloud as a platform for your solution then you don’t care too much about potential security issues, reliability and scalability.

    — Dmitri, Team Lead

  • Gubarev, CTO

    Consume resources efficiently

    Using modern scalable cloud SaaS technologies you pay only for effectively consumed resources and get prepared for any unpredictable load at the same time.

    — Vladislav, CTO

  • Konovalov, Team Lead

    Process extreme amounts of data

    AI journey always starts with data. A lot of data! Nowadays clouds have everything to efficiently source, annotate, analyse, preprocess and store extreme amounts of data more easily than you can imagine.

    — Pavel, Team Lead

  • Goncharov, CEO

    Unleash the power of AI

    Many great AI algorithms never go beyond research study. Modern clouds let you unleash the power of AI and go to production fast.

    — Alexander, CEO


Machine Learning

Having years of hands-on experience in machine learning we unleash full power of modern cloud AI technologies backed by industry leaders.

Serverless solutions

Serverless technologies meet the needs of both small startups and huge enterprises. It maximizes your profits and minimizes your expenses.


Using Kubernetes we achieve scalability, high-performance, enterprise-grade quality, and cost-efficiency.

Big Data

Ambitious ML goes hand in hand with big data. Using cloud technologies like BigQuery, DataFlow/DataProc, and DataFusion we can build solutions that let us pass through, store and analyze unbelievable amounts of data.